§ 46-22-5 Classification and requiredequipment. (a) Motorboats subject to the provisions of this chapter shall be divided intofour (4) classes as follows:
(1) Class A. Less than sixteen feet (16') inlength.
(2) Class 1. Sixteen feet (16') or overand less than twenty-six feet (26') in length.
(3) Class 2. Twenty-six feet (26') orover and less than forty feet (40') in length.
(4) Class 3. Forty feet (40') or over and not more thansixty-five feet (65') in length.
(b) Every motorboat, in all weathers, from sunset to sunrise,shall carry and exhibit the following lights when under way, and during thattime no other lights which may be mistaken for those prescribed shall beexhibited.
(1) Every motorboat of Classes A and 1 shall carry thefollowing lights:
(i) A bright white light aft to show all around the horizon.
(ii) A combined lantern in the fore part of the vessel andlower than the white light aft, showing green to starboard and red to port, sofixed as to throw the light from right ahead to two (2) points abaft the beamof their respective sides.
(2) Every motorboat of Classes 2 and 3 shall carry thefollowing lights:
(i) A bright white light in the fore part of the vessel, asnear the stem as practicable, so constructed as to show an unbroken light overan arc of the horizon of twenty (20) points of the compass, so fixed as tothrow the light ten (10) points on each side of the vessel; namely, from rightahead to two (2) points abaft the beam on either side.
(ii) A bright white light aft to show all around the horizonand higher than the white light forward.
(iii) On the starboard side, a green light so constructed asto show an unbroken light over an arc of the horizon of ten (10) points of thecompass, so fixed as to throw the light from right ahead to two (2) pointsabaft the beam on the starboard side. On the port side, a red light soconstructed as to show an unbroken light over an arc of the horizon of ten (10)points of the compass, so fixed as to throw the light from right ahead to two(2) points abaft the beam on the port side. The side lights shall be fittedwith inboard screens of sufficient height so set as to prevent these lightsfrom being seen across the bow.
(3) Motorboats of Classes A and 1, when propelled by sailalone, shall carry the combined lantern, but not the white light aft,prescribed by this section. Motorboats of Classes 2 and 3, when so propelled,shall carry the colored side lights, suitably screened, but not the whitelights, prescribed by this section. Motorboats of all classes, when sopropelled, shall carry, ready at hand, a lantern or flashlight showing a whitelight which shall be exhibited in sufficient time to avert collision.
(4) Every white light prescribed by this section shall be ofsuch character as to be visible at a distance of at least two (2) miles. Everycolored light prescribed by this section shall be of such character as to bevisible at a distance of at least one mile. The word "visible" in thissubsection, when applied to lights, shall mean visible on a dark night withclear atmosphere.
(5) When propelled by sail and machinery, any motorboat shallcarry the lights required by this section for a motorboat propelled bymachinery only.
(c) Any vessel may carry and exhibit the lights required bythe federal regulations for preventing collisions at sea, 33 U.S.C. § 2000et seq., in lieu of the lights required by subsection (b).
(d) Every motorboat of Class 1, 2, or 3 shall be providedwith an efficient whistle or other sound producing mechanical appliance.
(e) Every vessel shall carry at least one life preserver, orlife belt, or ring buoy, or other device of the sort prescribed by theregulations of the department of environmental management, for each person onboard, so placed as to be readily accessible; provided, that every motorboatcarrying passengers for hire shall carry, so placed as to be readilyaccessible, at least one life preserver of the sort prescribed by theregulations of the department of environmental management, for each person onboard.
(f) Every motorboat shall be provided with such number, size,and type of fire extinguishers, capable of promptly and effectuallyextinguishing burning gasoline, as may be prescribed by the regulations of thedepartment of environmental management, which fire extinguishers shall be atall times kept in condition for immediate and effective use and shall be soplaced as to be readily accessible.
(g) The provisions of subsections (d), and (f) shall notapply to motorboats while competing in any race conducted pursuant to §46-22-13 or, if the boats be designed and intended solely for racing, whileengaged in such navigation as is incidental to the tuning up of the boats andengines for the race.
(h) Every motorboat shall have the carburetor or carburetorsof every engine therein (except outboard motors) using gasoline as fuel,equipped with such efficient flame arrestor, backfire trap, or other similardevice as may be prescribed by the regulations of the department ofenvironmental management.
(i) Every motorboat and every vessel, except open boats,using as fuel any liquid of a volatile nature, shall be provided with suchmeans as may be prescribed by the regulations of the department ofenvironmental management, for properly and efficiently ventilating the bilgesof the engine and fuel tank compartments so as to remove any explosive orinflammable gases.
(j) The department of environmental management is herebyauthorized to make rules and regulations modifying the equipment requirementscontained in this section to the extent necessary to keep these requirements inconformity with the provisions of the federal Boat Safety Act of 1971 asamended or the federal navigation laws or with the navigation rules promulgatedby the United States Coast Guard.
(k) The department of environmental management is herebyauthorized to establish and maintain, for the operation of vessels not morethan sixty-five feet (65') in length on the waters of this state, pilot rulesin conformity with the pilot rules contained in the federal navigation laws orthe navigation rules promulgated by the United States Coast Guard.
(l) No person shall operate or give permission for theoperation of a vessel, which is not equipped as required by this section, ormodification thereof.