§ 46-22-9.6 False distress or hoax calls. (a) Whoever, knowing it to be false, transmits or causes to be transmitted byradio, telephone, use of emergency flares or other means of communication, thealleged occurrence or impending occurrence of an emergency situation whichthreatens the life, or safety of a person and/or the loss of property, to anystate, federal or local law enforcement or other public safety agency shall beguilty of transmitting a false distress or hoax call.
(b) Any person charged with the commission of the foregoingshall, upon conviction, be subject to imprisonment not to exceed one year and afine not to exceed one thousand dollars ($1,000). In addition to any otherfines or penalties imposed under this section, the person or persons convictedshall pay restitution for any cost related to the emergency response to thefalse or hoax call.