§ 46-25-10 Acquisition of facilities frommunicipalities. (a) The commission shall acquire the city of Providence Fields Point sewagetreatment plant, as well as interceptors, combined sewer overflow facilities,force mains, and appurtenant facilities, and the land, property, easements, andother interests in property from municipalities within the district as may benecessary or desirable in its discretion to carry out the duties under thischapter.
(b) The acquisition of the treatment plant, facilities,interceptors, combined sewer overflow facilities, mains, and other appurtenantfacilities, and the lands, property, easements, or other interests in propertyshall be paid for solely by user charges and fees to be assessed by thecommission in accordance with this chapter. As part of the acquisition, thecommission may agree to assume payment of financial obligation debt serviceliabilities of the city of Providence for long term bonded debt, that is, fordebt with maturity schedules of not less than twenty (20) years incurred forcapital improvement of the sewage treatment facilities, as determined in thesole discretion of the commission, pursuant to findings of the auditor general,in an amount not to exceed fourteen million dollars ($14,000,000); provided,however, that the payment of the debt service liabilities shall be paid solelyout of user charges and fees to be assessed by the commission in accordancewith this chapter. User charges assessed pursuant to this section shall be inaddition to those charges under the authority of § 46-25-5(9), and shallbe reasonable and just and subject to the approval of the public utilitiescommission.