§ 46-25-25.1 Inspection powers. (a) The commission is authorized to carry out all inspection, surveillance, andmonitoring procedures necessary to determine, independent of informationsupplied by any person who discharges into the facilities of the project,compliance or noncompliance by the person with the pretreatment requirementsprescribed by the commission.
(b) The commission or the duly authorized employees andagents of the commission, upon presenting identification and appropriatecredentials, are authorized:
(1) To enter, without delay and at reasonable times, thosepremises (public or private) of any person or class of user, either receivingservices from the commission or applying to services from the commission, inwhich a discharge source or treatment system is located or in which recordsrequired to be maintained pursuant to § 46-25-25, are kept;
(2) During regular working hours and at other reasonabletimes, and within reasonable limits and in a reasonable manner, to have accessto and to copy any records, inspect any monitoring equipment or method requiredpursuant to § 46-25-25, and sample any effluents which the owner oroperator of the discharge source is required to sample under § 46-25-25,and any rules and regulations adopted pursuant thereto.
(c) Any person obstructing, hindering, or in any way causingto be obstructed or hindered the commission or any of its employees or agentsin the performance of their duties, or who shall refuse to permit thecommission or any of its employees or agents entrance into any premises,buildings, plant, or equipment, or other places belonging to or controlled bythe person, in the performance of his or her duties as such, shall be subjectto the civil and criminal penalties set forth in §§ 46-25-25.2 and46-25-25.3.