§ 46-25-37 Bonds authorized Maturity Certification and endorsement. (a) The general treasurer is hereby authorized and empowered, with the approvalof the governor and in accordance with the provisions of this chapter, toissue, from time to time, bonds in the name and behalf of the state, and insuch amounts as may be specified, from time to time, by the governor in anaggregate principal amount not to exceed eighty-seven million, seven hundredthousand dollars ($87,700,000) to be designated as "Narragansett Bay waterquality management district commission loan of 1980". The bonds shall be indenominations of one thousand dollars ($1,000) each, or multiples thereof, andshall be payable in any coin or currency of the United States, which at thetime of payment shall be legal tender for public or private debts. The bondsshall bear such date or dates, mature at such time or times not exceedingtwenty (20) years from their respective date of issue, bear interest payablesemiannually at such rate or different varying rates, be payable at such timeor times, at such place or places, be subject to such terms of recall orredemption, with or without premium, be in such form with or without interestcoupons attached carrying such registration, conversion, reconversion,transfer, debt requirement, acceleration, and other provisions as may be fixedby the general treasurer, with the approval of the governor, upon each issue ofthe bonds at the time of each issue.
(b) Whenever the governor shall approve the issuance of thebonds, he or she shall certify the approval to the secretary of state; thegeneral treasurer shall countersign the bonds and affix the seal of the state.The approval of the governor shall be endorsed on each bond so approved with afacsimile of his or her signature.