§ 46-25-38.1 Narragansett Bayenvironmental enforcement fund. There is hereby established a separate fund within the "Narragansett Bay waterquality management district commission fund" to be called the "Narragansett Bayenvironmental enforcement fund". This fund shall be administered by theexecutive director of the commission. The fund shall consist of such sums asthe commission may, from time to time, deposit, or the sums recovered by anyadministrative or civil enforcement action brought under the authority of thischapter. All interest earned on the sums shall become part of the fund. Allsums in the fund shall be expended in accordance with § 46-25-24 for thepurposes set forth below:
(1) Emergency response activities. These activitiesshall include, but not be limited to, site inspections, investigatory reports,collection, monitoring, and analysis of samples of wastewater, air and/or soilwaste disposal or spill response, analysis, and containment.
(2) Enforcement activities. These funds may also beused to support activities related to enforcement of the provisions of thischapter, and the rules and regulations adopted pursuant thereto, regardingillegal discharges and spills to the facilities, including, but not limited to,legal activities to enforce the provisions of this chapter and securecontributions from violators as well as ancillary services, personnel, orequipment to support the activities enumerated in this section.
(3) Additional activities. These activities shallinclude, but not be limited to, professional and emergency response trainingfor employees, environmental research and development projects, publicinformation and education, and technical assistance provided by the commissionto any state, federal, or municipal agency.
(4) Bay bond debt retirement. Those funds which havenot been committed for projects within a three (3) year period following theirdeposit into the fund may be used to pay the long term debt service on bondsissued pursuant to this chapter.