§ 46-25-4 Establishment of commission Purpose. (a) There is hereby authorized, created, and established a public corporationof the state having a distinct legal existence from the state and notconstituting a department of state government to be known as "The NarragansettBay water quality management district commission", with such powers as are setforth in this chapter, for the purposes of acquiring, planning, constructing,extending, improving, and operating and maintaining publicly owned sewagetreatment facilities in the district.
(b) It is the intent of the general assembly, by the passageof this chapter, to vest in the commission all powers, authority, rights,privileges, and titles which may be necessary to enable it to accomplish thepurposes herein set forth, and this chapter and the powers herein granted shallbe liberally construed in conformity with those purposes.
(c) The commission and its corporate existence shall continueuntil terminated by law or until it shall cease to exist under the timetablecontained in § 46-25-48. Upon termination of the existence of thecommission, all its rights and properties shall pass to and be vested in thestate, and, in accordance with law, the governor may permit whatever rights andproperties he or she shall see fit to pass to municipalities located within thedistrict, if the municipality or municipalities accept the rights or properties.