§ 46-5-12 Rules and regulations Penalty for violation. (a) The director shall establish and enforce such proper rules and regulationsfor the government and proper care of all the property acquired under thischapter, whether improved or unimproved, as the director shall deem best, andshall furnish a copy of the rules and regulations to all persons using oroccupying the land, property, or any portion thereof, and shall make allneedful orders necessary to carry out the provisions of this chapter, and shallfix penalties for disobeying the rules, regulations, or orders, and shall alsofile in his or her office a copy of all rules, regulations, and orders adoptedby the director.
(b) Any person who shall violate any rule, regulation, ororder of the department, a copy thereof shall have been theretofore filed inthe office of the director of the department of environmental management,shall, upon conviction thereof, be fined not exceeding five hundred dollars($500), or imprisoned not exceeding thirty (30) days, or both, in thediscretion of the court.