§ 46-5-4 Service and publication of noticeof taking of land. After the filing of the description, plat, and statement, notice of the takingof such land shall be served upon the owner of or persons having an estate andinterest in such land by the sheriff or any deputy sheriff for the county inwhich such land is situated by leaving a true and attested copy of thedescription and statement with each of the owners or persons personally, or athis or her last usual place of abode in this state with some person livingthere, and in case any such owner or person is absent from the state and has nolast or usual place of abode therein occupied by any person, a copy shall beleft with the persons, if any, in charge of or having possession of such landof the absent owner or person, and another copy thereof shall be mailed to theaddress of the absent owner or person if the address is known to the officer,and after the filing of the description, plat, and statement, the department ofenvironmental management shall cause a copy of the description and statement tobe published in some newspaper or newspapers published or having generalcirculation in the county where such land is located at least once a week forthree (3) successive weeks.