§ 46-6.1-5 Comprehensive plan for dredgedmaterial management. (a) The council shall prepare, adopt and maintain, pursuant to §46-23-1(e), a comprehensive plan for dredged material management for dredgingthat takes place in the coastal zone. The plan shall include, among othermatters:
(1) Coastal zone and upland areas that are deemed suitable,depending on the nature and characteristics of the dredged material, for thebeneficial use and disposal of dredged material;
(2) Approved sites and/or types of areas suitable fordewatering; and
(3) Protocols for monitoring dredged material disposal sitesin the coastal zone.
(b) The director shall by January 31, 2002, adopt by rule alist of upland sites and types of areas suitable for beneficial use anddisposal of dredged materials, and shall adopt such revisions as may benecessary to the list no less frequently than biennially thereafter, which listshall be incorporated in the comprehensive plan for dredged material management.