§ 46-9-20 Accounts of fees Paymentsto state Use of funds. (a) Once every month every pilot or his or her agent shall render to thecommission an accurate account of all vessels subject to this chapter pilotedby him or her, and of all money received by him or her for pilotage of thosevessels, and shall pay to the State of Rhode Island a percentage of the amountthereof. The percentage shall be established by rule and regulation adopted bythe commission pursuant to this chapter. Pilots shall add a percentage to therates established by the commission when they perform the service of pilotingany vessel subject to this chapter and collect the percentage in like manner asthey are authorized to collect pilotage fees.
(b) The general treasurer shall deposit those amounts payableto the State of Rhode Island under this section into the general fund asgeneral revenue. General revenues shall be appropriated for use by thedepartment for the following purposes:
(1) To monitor the transit of vessels into, through, and outof Narragansett Bay;
(2) To monitor pilots as they conduct vessels into, through,and out of Narragansett Bay;
(3) To fund and support programs and activities to promoteand ensure the safe guidance of ships into, through, and out of NarragansettBay.