§ 46-9-7 Qualifications for originallicense. Every person who shall apply for an original license to act as a pilot in thewaters of this state north of a line drawn from Point Judith to Sakonnet Pointshall be a citizen or legal resident of the United States; shall possess amaster's license of unlimited tonnage, (any oceans) issued by a dulyconstituted authority of the United States; shall possess a federal first-classpilot's endorsement covering the section of the waters of this state requiredby commission rules; shall possess a state's pilot's license for the waters ofBlock Island Sound; shall have completed training in his or her duties as apilot over the route under the supervision of the board of state licensedpilots appointed by the commission for this purpose pursuant to commissionrules; and shall conform to physical and mental standards and possessprofessional experience and qualifications as the commission shall, from timeto time, establish and require.