§ 46-9-8 Regulation of pilot boats. Every vessel, boat, or launch of any draft, size, or tonnage, used for thepurpose of transporting from the Rhode Island shoreline to a vessel inNarragansett Bay south of the Newport and Jamestown Bridges or, in Rhode IslandSound and in Block Island Sound, a pilot or any person intending to pilot avessel shall be in compliance with the rules and regulations established by thestate pilotage commission regarding the construction, safety, equipment,manning, and operations of the vessel, boat, or launch; provided, however, thatnothing in this section shall be construed to limit the jurisdiction of thecommission to regulate the vessels, boats, or launches in other waters subjectto this chapter. Further, the owner or operator of the vessel, boat, or launchshall secure and hold a current certificate of compliance issued by the statepilotage commission.