§ 47-12-4 Fraudulent sale of firewood. (a) Whoever, except as otherwise provided, sells cordwood or firewood, shallcause a delivery ticket or sales invoice to be issued and delivered to thepurchaser or his or her agent at the time of delivery of the wood. The deliveryticket or sales invoice shall include the name and address of the seller andthe purchaser, the quantity delivered to the purchaser in terms of cubic feetor cubic meters, the date delivered, and the price of the quantity of wooddelivered.
(b) Whoever violates any provision of this or the precedingsections shall be punished for the first offense by a fine of fifty dollars($50.00), for the second offense by a fine of one hundred dollars ($100), andfor each subsequent offense by a fine of two hundred dollars ($200). Whoeveralters or substitutes a delivery ticket or sales invoice for fraudulent ordeceptive purposes shall be punished by a fine of not more than two hundredfifty dollars ($250).