§ 47-15-10 Statements of weight andmeasure. (a) A statement of weight shall be in terms of the avoirdupois pound and ounce.A statement of liquid measure shall be in terms of the United States gallon of231 cubic inches, quart, pint, and fluid ounce, and, with the exception ofliquid petroleum products, shall express the volume at 68° Fahrenheit(20° Centigrade), provided, that refrigerated commodities shall express thevolume at the temperature at which the product is kept or offered for sale. Astatement of dry measure shall be in terms of the United States bushel of2,150.42 cubic inches, peck, dry quart, and dry pint. A statement of linearmeasure shall be in terms of the standard yard, foot, and inch. In lieuthereof, a statement of weight or measure may be in terms of the metric system.A statement of numerical count shall be expressed either in English words orArabic numerals.
(b) Nothing in this chapter shall prohibit expressing contentstatements in terms of the decimal system.
(c) In addition to the quantity statements permitted by thissection, liquid commodities may also be sold in containers marked one-half(1/2) gallon, one-half (1/2) pint, or one-quarter (1/4) pint. Fluid dairyproducts may be tested by a weights and measures official on the basis ofweight as prescribed by regulations of the director.
(d) In no case shall a declaration of quantity be qualifiedby the addition of the words, "when packed" or any words of similar import, norshall any unit of weight, measure, or count be qualified by any term (such asjumbo, giant, full, or the like) that tends to exaggerate the amount of thecommodity in the container.