§ 47-15-15 Permissible discrepancies. When a commodity in a container is sold, and there is a discrepancy between theactual quantity of the commodities in the container and the net quantity of thecontents thereof indicated on the container or between the fill of thecommodity in the container and the capacity of the container, there is noviolation of this chapter:
(1) If the discrepancy is due to unavoidable leakage,shrinkage, evaporation, waste, or causes beyond the control of the selleracting in good faith.
(2) If the seller purchased the commodity in the container,in good faith, relying upon the indication of the net contents thereof, andsold the commodity in the container without altering the contents thereof orthe indication of the contents thereof, and the container had the name of apacker, manufacturer, wholesaler, or jobber thereon at the time the sellerpurchased it.