§ 47-15-8 Designation to be net Non-rigid containers. The designation of the quantity of the commodity shall be the net amount andshall be expressed in terms of weight, measure, or numerical count so that thequantity of the contents so marked shall be the net amount of the commodity inthe package or container. Effective January 1, 1967, whenever the quantity isexpressed in terms of measure or volume, the measure or volume declared on thelabel shall not be greater than the interior displacement of the container.Whenever the quantity of any commodity sold in a non-rigid container isexpressed in terms of measure or volume, the measure or volume of the containerfor the commodity shall be determined in accordance with regulationsestablished by the director. Whenever any commodity is sold in compressed form,the container of the commodity may carry a supplemental statement showing themeasure or volume of the commodity in uncompressed form. Any letters, figures,or numerals used in the supplemental statement shall not be greater in size, ormore conspicuously displayed, than the letters, figures, or numerals used inthe required statement of quantity. The method of determining the measure orvolume of the commodity in uncompressed form may be established by regulationsof the director. No trademark, brand number, number, or numerals in combinationor otherwise, shall be used on the side, top, or ends of the container whichwill facilitate deception or misrepresentation.