§ 47-2-1 Custody and maintenance ofstandards Stamps and branding irons. Every town or city sealer shall, at the expense of his or her town or city,provide therein a suitable place for the safekeeping and preservation of theweights, measures, and balances furnished by the state, which shall be usedonly as standards, and shall not be taken from the office. The sealer shallhave the care and oversight thereof; shall see that they are kept in good orderand repair; and if any portion of them are lost, damaged, or destroyed, shall,at the expense of the town or city, replace them by similar weights, measures,or balances. The sealer shall procure, at the expense of his or her town orcity, a suitable set of sealing stamps for stamping dry and wine measures, withthe date of the year thereon, and, for coal and wood baskets, a branding iron,with letters not less than one-half inch (1/2") high and the date of the yearthereon.