§ 47-8-1 Testing of measuring devices Forbidding use Fee. (a) The director of the department of labor and training is hereby authorizedand directed to have tested all gasoline measuring devices used in the sale ofgasoline, from time to time, as in his or her judgment it may be deemednecessary, to prevent fraud or deception in the use of these devices or toinsure the accurate measurement of gasoline in the sale.
(b) Any town or city sealer of weights, measures, andbalances shall have authority to condemn and forbid the use of any gasolinemeasuring device for the sale of gasoline in his or her respective town orcity, or until the device has been duly tried and sealed, or until the gasolinemeasuring device has been equipped with such an attachment, contrivance, orapparatus as will insure the correct and proper functioning of the measuringdevice for the sale of the gasoline by accurate measurement.
(c) For the testing and sealing of a gasoline measuringdevice, a fee of five dollars ($5.00) shall be paid unless otherwise stated in§ 47-1-5.1, except in the city of Providence where the sealer shall havethe authority to remove and replace any lead seal on any gasoline measuringdevice and to charge an additional fee of five dollars ($5.00) for that service.