§ 5-1-11 Fees Payment anddisposition. (a) The fees paid by an applicant for filing an application for examination,for the examination, for re-examination, for registration pursuant to §5-1-9, for annual renewal, for renewal of an expired certificate, or forissuance of a duplicate certificate of registration shall be sixty dollars($60).
(b) All fees or other monies collected under the provisionsof this chapter shall be deposited as general revenues. The controller isauthorized and directed to draw his or her orders upon the general treasurerfor payment from the fund, upon receipt by the controller of vouchersauthenticated by the chairperson or secretary of the board.
(c) The fees paid by an applicant for a certificate ofauthorization pursuant to this section for annual renewal, for renewal of anexpired certificate of authorization, or for issuance of a duplicatecertificate of authorization, shall be sixty dollars ($60).