§ 5-1-12 Architect's stamp. (a) Every architect shall obtain a stamp designated and approved by the board,and shall impress that stamp on drawings and specifications prepared by him orher or under his or her responsible control for use in this state. An architectwho impresses his or her stamp, or knowingly permits it to be impressed ondrawings or specifications which were not prepared by him or her or under hisor her responsible control is guilty of a misdemeanor and is subject to thepenalties provided in § 5-1-7(c). Any person who impresses an architect'sstamp, or knowingly permits it to be impressed on drawings and specificationsafter the architect's certificate of registration has expired, or has beenrevoked, annulled, or suspended, is guilty of a misdemeanor and is subject tothe penalties provided in § 5-1-7(c).
(b) Upon forfeiture, revocation, suspension, annulment of hisor her certificate of registration, or upon expiration of his or hercertificate of registration without renewal, an architect shall surrender hisor her stamp to the board. Upon the death of an architect, his or her personalrepresentatives shall surrender his or her stamp to the board. The board hasthe power to institute proceedings in superior court or probate court toenforce this subsection.