§ 5-1-16 Architects rendering assistanceduring disaster emergency Immunity from civil liability. (a) An architect or architectural firm, duly licensed to practice in RhodeIsland under this chapter, who voluntarily and without compensation providesarchitectural services at the scene of a disaster emergency is not liable forany personal injury, wrongful death, property damage, or other loss or damagescaused by an act or omission of the architect or architectural firm inperforming the services.
(b) As used in this section, "disaster emergency" means adisaster emergency declared by executive order or proclamation of the governorpursuant to chapter 15 of title 30.
(c) The immunity provided in subsection (a) of this sectionapplies only to the practice of architecture as defined in this chapterregarding an architectural service that:
(1) Concerns any building, structure, or system, whetherpublicly or privately owned that is identified pursuant to a disaster emergencyexecutive order or proclamation;
(2) Relates to the structural integrity of the entirebuilding, structure, or system or any portion of the structure or system, or toa nonstructural element of the structure or system, affecting public safety; and
(3) Is rendered during the time in which a state of disasteremergency exists, as provided in chapter 15 of title 30.
(d) The immunity granted by this section shall not apply toacts or omissions constituting gross negligence or willful misconduct.