§ 5-1-5 Board Rules and regulations Examination and registration powers. (a) The board may establish any rules and regulations for the conduct of itsown proceedings that it deems appropriate.
(b) The board may establish suitable rules and regulationsfor the examination and registration of architects and also governing thepractice of the profession of architecture. This shall not include anyprohibition of employment of the registered architect as he or she chooses.
(c) To be registered, the applicant shall be required to passexaminations and grading procedure of the national council of architecturalregistration boards, provided that the applicant is qualified under subsections5-1-8(a) and 5-1-8(b).
(d) The board shall issue certificates to individuals whohave qualified to practice architecture under the provisions of this chapter.The board may establish any rules and regulations for the issuance and renewalof certificates that it deems appropriate, including rules for the issuance ofcertificates by reciprocity.
(e) In addition to its rulemaking authority, the board hasthe power to take all action that is necessary and proper to effectuate thepurposes of this chapter, including the power to:
(1) Suspend, revoke or annul certificates of registration andcertificates of authorization in accordance with the provisions of this chapter;
(2) Investigate all complaints and charges of unprofessionalconduct, including, but not limited to, conduct specified under § 5-1-13,against any licensee or any applicant for a certificate of registration orcertificate of authorization, and to hold hearings, in accordance with theprovisions of § 5-1-13.1, to determine whether the complaints and chargesare substantiated;
(3) Appoint one or more members of the board, legal counsel,and/or an independent investigator to act on behalf of the board ininvestigating the conduct of any licensee, or of any applicant for acertificate of registration or certificate of authorization, or in thealternative to appoint a probable cause committee to investigate this conducton its behalf. The committee is to be comprised of licensees in good standing,as the board determines;
(4) Issue subpoenas, administer oaths, and summon and examinewitnesses in connection with any investigation conducted under the authority ofthis chapter. If a subpoena is disobeyed, the board may invoke the aid of anycourt of competent jurisdiction in this state to require the attendance andtestimony of witnesses and the production of documentary evidence.
(f) The board and its members and agents are immune frompersonal liability for actions taken in good faith in the discharge of theboard's responsibilities, and the state shall indemnify the board and thesemembers and agents for, and hold them harmless from, any and all costs,damages, and reasonable attorneys fees arising from or related in any way toclaims or actions against them as to matters to which the immunity applies.