§ 5-10-23 Fixed place of business. (a) Manicuring, esthetics, barbering and/or hairdressing and cosmetic therapy,as defined in this chapter, shall be practiced only in a shop licensed under§ 5-10-15. Nothing contained in this chapter shall be construed toprohibit the practice of barbering, manicuring, and hairdressing and cosmetictherapy and esthetics in the same shop or place of business.
(b) Nothing in this section shall restrict a hairdresserlicensed pursuant to this chapter, operating in a licensed nursing serviceagency, from providing services to an individual who is homebound at theirhome. For purposes of this section, "homebound" is defined as any person who isconsidered housebound for purpose of federal Medicare eligibility.
(c) Nothing in this section shall restrict any personlicensed pursuant to this chapter from providing services to an individual whois homebound at their home as verified by a licensed health care professional.
(d) Nothing in this section shall restrict or prohibit anyperson licensed pursuant to this chapter from providing services to anindividual residing in any Department of Housing and Urban Development (H.U.D.)recognized housing for the elderly in the H.U.D. recognized housing in whichthe individual resides. Those services shall be provided in a separate roominspected by the department of health. Students enrolled in programs ofhairdressing, barbering and/or cosmetology are prohibited in H.U.D. recognizedhousing.