§ 5-10-26 Revocation or suspension oflicense, permit, or certificate. Any license, permit, certificate of approval, or registration issued by thedivision under this chapter, or any section of this chapter, may be revoked orsuspended by the division for violation of any provision of this chapter,failure to comply with any rules and regulations, not contrary to law, that thedivision adopts for the sanitation, regulation, and control of the practice ofbarbering, manicuring or hairdressing and cosmetic therapy, and for any othercause, or for any other cause, that the division deems sufficient; provided,that no license, permit, certificate of approval, or regulation shall besuspended or revoked without the holder of the license, permit, certificate ofapproval, or registration first being given ten (10) days' notice, in writing,specifying the complaint made and the charges preferred against the accused anda reasonable opportunity given the accused to present evidence and testimonyand to be represented by counsel at a hearing or hearings, to be held by thedivision upon the complaint and charges preferred against the accused.