§ 5-10-3 Board of barbering andhairdressing Appointments Organization Removal of members. (a) The governor shall appoint seven (7) members to a board of hairdressing whoshall be appointed for a term of four (4) years and until their successors areappointed and qualified. The governor shall appoint one public member, three(3) licensed cosmetologists, and three (3) licensed barbers. However, for theinitial board appointments the three hairdressing members of the current boardof hairdressing and the three (3) barber members of the current board ofbarbering shall be automatically appointed to the board of barbering andhairdressing to fulfill their unexpired terms. To be eligible for appointmentto the board, the appointee shall have been a licensed barber or hairdresserand cosmetician, continuously and actively engaged in that practice for atleast five (5) years immediately preceding his or her appointment, and not beconnected, either directly or indirectly, with any school of barbering,hairdressing, and cosmetic therapy as defined in § 5-10-1(14), or anyestablishment dealing in barbering, cosmetic, or hairdressing supplies.
(b) Any member of the board appointed by the governor may beremoved by the governor for cause and any vacancy occurring in the membershipof the board by that removal shall be filled by the governor by the appointmentof a qualified person to serve for the unexpired term.
(c) The division shall keep a record of all proceedings ofthe board, issue all notices, attest all records, and perform any other dutiesthat are required by the board.
(d) The department is authorized to employ a chief fieldinspector appointed by the governor and to assist the division in the properadministration of this chapter.