§ 5-10-8 Issuance of licenses Qualifications of applicants. (a) The division shall issue licenses to persons engaged in or desiring toengage in the practice of barbering, hairdressing, and cosmetic therapy and/ormanicuring, or esthetics and for instructing in any approved school ofbarbering or hairdressing and cosmetic therapy, and/or manicuring, oresthetics; provided, that no license shall be issued to any person under thischapter unless the applicant for the license:
(1) Is at least eighteen (18) years of age;
(2) Is a citizen of the United States of America or has legalentry into the country;
(3) Is of good moral character;
(4) Is a high school graduate or holds the equivalent;
(5) Has satisfactorily completed the course of instruction inan approved school of barbering, hairdressing and cosmetic therapy, and/ormanicuring or esthetics;
(6) Has satisfactorily passed a written and a practicalexamination approved by the division to determine the fitness of the applicantto receive a license; and
(7) Has complied with § 5-10-10 and any otherqualifications that the division prescribes by regulation.
(b) Notwithstanding the provision of subdivision (a)(4) ofthis section, on and after July 1, 1997, an applicant seeking licensure as abarber must be a high school graduate or hold the equivalent.