§ 5-10-9 Classes of licenses. Licenses shall be divided into the following classes and shall be issued by thedivision to applicants for the licenses who have qualified for each class oflicense:
(1) A "hairdresser's and cosmetician's license" shall beissued by the division to every applicant for the license who meets therequirements of § 5-10-8 and has completed a course of instruction inhairdressing and cosmetology consisting of not less than fifteen hundred(1,500) hours of continuous study and practice.
(2) An "instructor's license" shall be granted by thedivision to any applicant for the license who has held a licensed hairdresser'sand cosmetician's license, a barber's license, a manicurist's license, or anesthetician's license issued under the laws of this state or another state, forat least the three (3) years preceding the date of application for aninstructor's license and:
(i) Meets the requirements of § 5-10-8;
(ii) Has satisfactorily completed three hundred (300) hoursof instruction in hairdressing and cosmetology, barber, manicurist, oresthetician teacher training approved by the division as prescribed byregulation;
(iii) Has satisfactorily passed a written and a practicalexamination approved by the division to determine the fitness of the applicantto receive an instructor's license;
(iv) Has complied with § 5-10-10; and
(v) Has complied with any other qualifications that thedivision prescribes by regulation.
(3) A "manicurist license" shall be granted to any applicantfor the license who meets the following qualifications:
(i) Meets the requirements of § 5-10-8; and
(ii) Has completed a course of instruction consisting of notless than three hundred (300) hours of professional training in manicuring, inan approved school.
(4) An "esthetician license" shall be granted to anyapplicant for the license who meets the following qualifications:
(i) Meets the requirements of § 5-10-8;
(ii) Has completed a course of instruction in estheticsconsisting of not less than six hundred (600) hours of continuous study andpractice over a period of not less than four (4) months in an approved schoolof hairdressing and cosmetology; and
(iii) Any applicant who holds a diploma or certificate from askin care school that is recognized as a skin care school by the state ornation in which it is located, and meets the requirements of paragraph (i) ofthis subdivision, shall be granted a license to practice esthetics; provided,that the skin care school has a requirement that in order to graduate from theschool a student must have completed a number of hours of instruction in thepractice of skin care, which number is at least equal to the number of hours ofinstruction required by the division.
(5) A "barber" license shall be issued by the division toevery applicant for the license who meets the requirements of § 5-10-8 and:
(i) Has completed a course of instruction in barberingconsisting of not less than one thousand five hundred (1,500) hours ofcontinuous study and practice in an approved school;
(ii) Has possessed for at least two (2) years prior to thefiling of the application a certificate of registration in full force andeffect from the department of health of the state specifying that person as aregistered apprentice barber, and the application of that applicant isaccompanied by an affidavit or affidavits of his or her employer or formeremployers or other reasonably satisfactory evidence showing that the applicanthas been actually engaged in barbering as an apprentice barber in the stateduring those two (2) years; or
(iii) A combination of barber school training andapprenticeship training as determined by the rules and regulations prescribedby the division.