§ 5-11-14 Complaint of violations Forfeiture of property. Whenever complaint is made to any justice or clerk of a district court withinhis or her district that any person within the district is selling or offeringfor sale any article contrary to the provisions of § 5-11-18, the justiceor clerk shall examine the complainant under oath, reduce his or her complaintto writing, and sign the complaint. If the complainant then enters into arecognizance in a sum, not exceeding fifty dollars ($50.00), with any suretythat the justice or clerk directs and approves, to prosecute the complaint tofinal judgment with effect, or in default of the judgment to pay the costs thatmay accrue on it, the justice or clerk shall issue a warrant to seize thearticle or articles offered for sale, together with all prohibited merchandisethen in the immediate possession of the person complained of, with the packs,packages, carriage and horse or other vehicle, in which those articles havebeen transported; and to summon the person to appear before the district courtand show cause why all the property shall not be adjudged forfeited. If, upontrial, it appears that the complaint is true, then the seized property shall beforfeited.