§ 5-14-1 Safekeeping of property ofguests. If any hotelkeeper or innkeeper provides a suitable safe in his or her hotel orinn or other convenient place for the safekeeping of any money, jewels,jewelry, watches, ornaments, railroad mileage books and tickets, bank notes,bonds, negotiable securities, and precious stones, belonging to the guests ofthat hotel or inn, and notifies guests of the hotel or inn by posting in apublic and conspicuous place and manner the fact that a safe is provided, inwhich that property may be deposited, and if those guests neglect or fail todeliver the property to the person in charge of the office of the hotel or innfor deposit in that safe, the hotelkeeper or innkeeper is not liable for anyloss of that property sustained by the guests by theft or otherwise. Nohotelkeeper or innkeeper is obliged to receive property on deposit forsafekeeping exceeding five hundred dollars ($500) in value. If guests deliverproperty exceeding five hundred dollars ($500) in value to the person in chargeof the office for deposit in the safe, the hotelkeeper or innkeeper is notliable for any loss of the property sustained by those guests by theft orotherwise in any sum exceeding five hundred dollars ($500), unless by specialagreement, in writing, with the hotelkeeper or innkeeper.