§ 5-14-4 Innkeeper's right to eject. (a) An innkeeper may remove or cause to be removed from a hotel a guest orother person who:
(1) Refuses or is unable to pay for accommodations orservices;
(2) While on the premises of the hotel, acts in an obviouslyintoxicated manner, destroys or threatens to destroy hotel property, or causesor threatens to cause a public disturbance;
(3) The innkeeper has direct knowledge a person is using thepremises for the unlawful possession or use of controlled substances by theperson in violation of chapter 28 of title 21, or using the premises for theconsumption of alcohol by a person under the age of twenty-one (21) years ofage in violation of chapter 8 of title 3;
(4) The innkeeper has direct knowledge a person has broughtproperty into the hotel that may be dangerous to other persons, such asfirearms or explosives;
(5) A person violates any federal, state or local laws,ordinances, or rules relating to the hotel; or
(6) Violates a rule of the hotel that is clearly andconspicuously posted at or near the front desk and on the inside of theentrance door of every guest room.
(b) If the guest has paid in advance, the innkeeper shalltender to the guest any unused portion of the advance payment at the time ofremoval.