§ 5-16-1 Definitions. In this chapter, unless the context otherwise requires:
(1) "Licensing authorities" means the bureau or board ofpolice commissioners of any city or town where that bureau or board of policecommissioners is established; but where there is no bureau or board, it meansthe town council of a town, and the city council of a city.
(2) "Person" means and includes a person, partnership, orcorporation.
(3) "Public laundry" means and includes any plant orequipment conducted or operated as a laundry for profit, and for which businessis solicited from the general public, but does not mean or include a laundryoperated exclusively for and in connection with a hospital, school or otherinstitution, hotel, boardinghouse, or private dwelling, nor a laundry operatedby one institution which also serves another institution.