§ 5-19.1-12 Manufacturer's License Fees Display Declaration of ownership and location. The owner of each and every place of business which manufactures legend drugswithin this state, and any person who manufactures legend drugs outside thisstate for distribution within this state, shall be licensed by the department.The owner shall pay a license fee to be determined by the director, andthereafter, on or before a date to be determined by the director, a fee to bedetermined by the director, for which the owner shall receive a license oflocation from the director. The license shall entitle the owner to manufacturedrugs at the specified location for the period ending on a date to bedetermined by the board, and each such owner shall at the time of payment ofsuch fee file with the department, on a provided form, a declaration ofownership and location. The declaration of ownership and location so filed asaforesaid shall be deemed presumptive evidence of the ownership of such placeof business mentioned in the form. A license issued pursuant to this sectionshall be the property of the state and loaned to the licensee, and it shall bekept posted in a conspicuous place on the licensed premises. It shall be theduty of the owner to immediately notify the department of any proposed changeof location or ownership. In the event such license fee remains unpaid on thedate due, no renewal or new license shall be issued except upon payment of thelicense renewal fee. A license shall be issued to the owner and premise listedon the form and shall not be transferred. If a change in owner or premiselisted on said form occurs, the license becomes null and void.