§ 5-19.2-2 Definitions. (a) "Collaborative practice agreement" is a written and signed agreement,entered into voluntarily, between a pharmacist with advanced training andexperience relevant to the scope of collaborative practice and one or morephysicians that defines the collaborative pharmacy practice in which thepharmacist and physician(s) propose to engage. Collaborative practiceagreements shall be made in the best interest of public health.
(b) "Collaborative practice committee" shall consist of six(6) individuals: three (3) individuals to be appointed by the board of pharmacyfrom nominees provided by the Rhode Island Pharmacists Association; three (3)individuals to be appointed by the board of medical licensure and disciplinefrom nominees provided by the Rhode Island Medical Society. The collaborativepractice committee shall advise the director on all issues pertinent to theregulation of collaborative practice agreements.
(c) "Collaborative pharmacy practice" is that practice ofpharmacy whereby a pharmacist with advanced training and experience relevant tothe scope of collaborative practice agrees to work in collaboration with one ormore physicians for the purpose of drug therapy management of patients, suchmanagement to be pursuant to a protocol or protocols authorized by thephysician(s) and subject to conditions and/or limitations as set forth by thedepartment. A health care professional who has prescribing privileges and isemployed by a collaborating physician may be in such an agreement.
(d) "Drug therapy management" means the review, in accordancewith a collaborative practice agreement, of drug therapy regimen or regimens ofpatients by a pharmacist for the purpose of rendering advice to one or morephysicians that are party to the agreement, or their physician designees,regarding adjustment of the regimen. Decisions involving drug therapymanagement shall be made in the best interests of the patient. In accordancewith a collaborative practice agreement, drug therapy management may include:
(1) Modifying and managing drug therapy;
(2) Collecting and reviewing patient histories;
(3) Obtaining and checking vital signs, including pulse,temperature, blood pressure, and respiration; and
(4) Under the supervision of, or in direct consultation witha physician, ordering and evaluating the results of laboratory tests directlyrelated to drug therapy when performed in accordance with approved protocolsapplicable to the practice setting and providing such evaluation does notinclude any diagnostic component.
(e) "Pharmacist with advanced training and experiencerelevant to the scope of collaborative practice" means a licensed pharmacist inthis state with post-graduate educational training. Such training shallinclude, but not limited to, residency training, board certification,certification from an accredited professional organization educationalinstitution, or any other continuing education provider approved by thedirector of health, relevant to the proposed scope of the collaborativepractice agreement.
(f) "Practice of pharmacy" means the interpretation,evaluation, and implementation of medical orders; including the performance ofclinical laboratory tests provided such testing is conducted in conformity withthe federal Clinical Laboratories Improvement Act, as amended, 42 U.S.C. §263a; the dispensing of prescription drug orders; participation in drug anddevice selection; drug regiment reviews and drug or drug related research;provision of patient counseling and the provision of those acts or servicesnecessary to provide pharmaceutical care; drug therapy management pursuant to acollaborative practice agreement; and the responsibility for the supervisionfor compounding and labeling of drugs and devices (except labeling by amanufacturer, repackager, or distributor of nonprescription drugs andcommercially packaged legend drugs and devices), proper and safe storage ofdrugs and devices, and maintenance of proper records for them.