§ 5-19.2-3 Collaborative pharmacypractice. (a) A pharmacist may engage in collaborative pharmacy practice pursuant to acollaborative practice agreement in accordance with provisions of this chapteror other applicable sections of the regulations. Any pharmacist or physiciandesiring to engage in collaborate pharmacy practice shall execute acollaborative practice agreement in accordance with regulations promulgated bythe department. Each collaborative practice agreement shall set forth at leastthe following: (1) site and setting where the collaborative practice is to takeplace; (2) informed consent procedures; (3) qualifications of participatingpharmacist and physicians; (4) the role of any employed health careprofessional with prescriptive privileges participating in the collaborativepractice; (5) scope of conditions or diseases to be managed; (6) practiceprotocols; (7) risk management activities; and (8) outcomes measurements. Eachcollaborative practice agreement shall be subject to review and renewal on anannual basis.
(b) Any pharmacist who deviates from or practices in a mannerinconsistent with the terms of a collaborative practice agreement shall be inviolation of this chapter; such shall constitute grounds for disciplinaryaction pursuant to this chapter. There shall be no civil liability on the partof, or cause of action of any nature against, a physician or physician's agentsor employees for participation in collaborative pharmacy practice as the resultof negligence or fault on the part of the pharmacist participating in suchcollaborative practice agreement.