§ 5-20.7-16 Nonresident certified orlicensed real estate appraisers Secretary of state as agent for serviceof process Reciprocity. (a) Every applicant for certification or licensing under this chapter who isnot a resident of this state shall submit, with the application forcertification or licensing, an irrevocable consent that service of process uponhim or her may be made by delivery of the process to the secretary of state, ifin an action against the applicant in a court of this state arising out of theapplicant's activities as a state certified or licensed real estate appraiser,the plaintiff cannot, in the exercise of due diligence, effect personal serviceupon the applicant.
(b) A nonresident of the state who has complied with theprovisions of subsection (a) of this section may obtain a certificate as astate certified real estate appraiser or a licensed real estate appraiser byconforming to all of the provisions of this chapter relating to state certifiedreal estate appraisers. If, in the determination by the board, another state isdeemed to have substantially equivalent certification requirements, anapplicant who is certified under the laws of that other state may obtain acertificate as a state certified real estate appraiser in this state upon anyterms and conditions that are determined by the board.