§ 5-20.7-20 Revocation or suspension ofcertification or license. The director of the department of business regulation may, upon his or her ownmotion or by recommendation of the board, and shall, upon the verifiedcomplaint, in writing, of any person setting forth a cause under this section,ascertain the facts and, if warranted, hold a hearing for the suspension orrevocation of a certification or license. The director has the power to refusea certification or license for cause or to suspend or revoke a certification orlicense where it has been obtained by false representation, or by fraudulentact or conduct, or where the holder of a certificate in performing orattempting to perform any of the acts mentioned in this chapter, is foundguilty of:
(1) Procuring or attempting to procure certification orlicensing pursuant to this chapter by knowingly making a false statement,knowingly submitting false information, refusing to provide completeinformation in response to a question in an application for certification orlicense or through any form of fraud or misrepresentation;
(2) Failing to meet the minimum qualifications established bythis chapter;
(3) Paying money other than provided for by this chapter toany member or employee of the board or department to procure a certificationunder this chapter;
(4) A conviction, including a conviction based upon a plea ofguilty or nolo contendere, of a crime, which is substantially related to thequalifications, functions, and duties of a person developing appraisals andcommunicating appraisals to others or convicted of any felony;
(5) An act or omission involving dishonesty, fraud, ormisrepresentation with the intent to benefit the certificate holder or anotherperson or with the intent to substantially injure another, mislead or defraudanother person;
(6) Failure or refusal without good cause to exercisereasonable diligence in developing an appraisal, preparing an appraisal reportor communicating an appraisal;
(7) Accepting an appraisal assignment when the employmentitself is contingent upon the appraiser reporting a predetermined estimate,analysis or opinion, or where the fee to be paid is contingent upon theopinion, conclusion, or valuation reached, or upon the consequence resultingfrom the appraisal assignment; or
(8) Entry of a final civil judgment against the person ongrounds of fraud, misrepresentation, or deceit in the making of an appraisal.