§ 5-20-13 Functions of board of examiners. The state board of plumbing examiners shall aid and cooperate with the directorof the department of labor and training and the division of professionalregulation:
(1) In preparing forms for application for examinations forlicense;
(2) In preparing subject matter, questions, and all necessaryitems for examination as provided in this chapter and in reviewing examinationsto evaluate their effectiveness;
(3) In preparation of rules to govern examinations andhearings for revocation and reinstatement of licenses;
(4) In the performance of any other duties for the purpose ofcarrying out the provisions of this chapter that are prescribed by the directorof the department of labor and training; and
(5) In the adoption and revision of any rules and regulationsnot inconsistent with the law that are necessary to carry into effect theprovisions of this chapter.