§ 5-20-14.1 Grandfathering Licensing of irrigation masters and irrigation journeypersons withoutexamination. (a) After July 13, 2001, and at any time prior to the expiration of twelve (12)months following July 13, 2001, the authority shall, without examination, uponpayment of the fees required in this chapter, issue through the department oflabor and training, division of professional regulation, a master irrigationlicense or a journeyperson irrigation license to any applicant who shallpresent satisfactory evidence that he or she has the qualifications for thetype of license applied for. Thereafter, in order to qualify for a masterirrigation license after the initial "grandfather" window, the eligiblecontractor shall be required to pass a written examination and show the proofcontained in this subsection of his or her eligibility.
(b) Satisfactory evidence shall be any of the following thatis applicable:
(1) The owner or owners of an enterprise must have beenactive in irrigation for the previous three (3) years; or
(2) The contractor has previously registered with thecontractors' registration board; or
(3) The contractor has been listed within the yellow pagesphone book under "Lawn Sprinklers" or has advertised irrigation or lawnsprinklers in ads placed elsewhere; or
(4) The contractor has been incorporated or has beenregistered to do business designating irrigation as a provided service; or
(5) Notarized confirmation by three (3) irrigationcontractors.