§ 5-20-2 "Plumbing" and "source of water"defined. As used in this chapter:
(1) "Plumbing" means:
(i) All fittings, fixtures, appliances, and connections,which are located within a building or a structure, or within five (5) feet ofthe outer walls of a building or structure and which connect said building orstructure, where a person or persons, live, work, or assemble, with the sourceof public or private water supply used or intended for domestic or personaluse, as well as any interconnecting piping between buildings or structures;
(ii) All piping, fittings, fixtures, and appliances for asanitary drainage and related ventilation system, direct or indirect, withinthat building; and
(iii) Air piping, medical and laboratory gas systemsincluding, but not limited to, oxygen and nitrous oxide.
(2) "Source of private water supply" means the waterconnection located at the mean water level.
(3) "Source of public water supply" means any waterconnection located within five (5) feet of the outer walls of or within abuilding or structure, including any interconnecting piping between buildingsor structures.