§ 5-20-21 Issuance of license onexamination Notice to applicants. (a) The director of the department of labor and training shall allow or denyapplications for a master plumber's license, master irrigator's license, or ajourneyperson plumber's license or journeyperson irrigator's license upon therecommendation of the division of professional regulation, as soon after theexamination as is practicable. Each applicant who has successfully passed theexamination and has had his or her application allowed for a license as amaster plumber, master irrigator, or a journeyperson plumber or journeypersonirrigator shall have issued and mailed to him or her by the department acertificate of license specifying that person as a master plumber, masterirrigator, or a journeyperson plumber or journeyperson irrigator.
(b) All certificates of license are issued by the department.