§ 5-20-22 Reexamination of applicants Appeal to board. (a) Any applicant who fails in an examination for a license is permitted totake further examination upon payment for each examination of the prescribedfee in §§ 5-20-15 5-20-17.
(b) Any applicant who fails to qualify may within thirty (30)days after notification of his or her failure to qualify appeal to the stateboard of plumbing examiners, in writing, requesting a review of the decision ofthe division of professional regulation in the first instance to theadministrator of the division or his or her designee. A further appeal may thenbe taken. The state board of plumbing examiners shall set a date for anappointment and review the examination papers with the applicant. Examinationpapers shall be preserved in the division of professional regulation for atleast three (3) months after the administration of the examination.