§ 5-20-25 Registration of plumbing andirrigation of apprentices. (a) Any person who has agreed to work a minimum of eight thousand (8,000) hoursover a period of time of not less than five (5) years under the directsupervision and instruction of a master plumber or journeyperson plumber as anapprentice to learn the plumbing business, and that agreement is approved bythe division of professional regulation, shall be registered for an initialperiod of one year, with renewal on the applicant's birthday, by the directorof the department of labor and training and have issued to him or her upon thepayment of a fee of twenty dollars ($20.00) a certificate showing that personto be a registered apprentice. Every person who continues to work as anapprentice after the initial one year registration is required to registeragain as an apprentice and pay the fee.
(b) Any person who has agreed to work a minimum of twothousand (2,000) hours over a period of time of not less than one year underthe direct supervision and instruction of a master irrigator or a journeypersonirrigator as an apprentice to learn the irrigation business, and that agreementis approved by the division of professional regulation, shall be registered foran initial period of one year, with renewal on the applicant's birthday, by thedirector of the department of labor and training and have issued to him or herupon the payment of a fee of twenty dollars ($20.00) a certificate showing thatperson to be a registered apprentice. Every person who continues to work as anapprentice after the initial one year registration is required to registeragain as an apprentice and pay the fee.