§ 5-20-31 Recommendations of board Order of director Rehearing Review. Any person aggrieved by any decision or ruling of the division of professionalregulation may appeal that decision to the administrator of the division or hisor her designee. A further appeal may then be made to the state board ofplumbing examiners. The state board of plumbing examiners, upon completion ofany hearing held on a verified complaint, shall present to the director oflabor and training a written report of its findings and recommendations. Thedirector of the department shall then order that the license of the licenseecharged in the complaint is revoked or that the complaint is dismissed inaccordance with the recommendations of the board. A copy of that order shall beimmediately served upon the licensee either personally or by registered orcertified mail. The order of the department is final unless the chargedlicensee, the division, or complainant, within twenty (20) days after receiptof that order, files with the director his or her motion, in writing, for areview of the order by the director, specifying in the motion the points andreasons for the order. The filing of a motion for a review stays the operationof the order pending final decision on that motion. A motion for a review bythe director shall be immediately scheduled for a hearing by the director. Thedecision of the director of the department after his or her review is finalupon questions of fact.