§ 5-24-4 Maintenance of good order Drunkards, wastrels, and minors excluded. Every person licensed pursuant to §§ 5-24-1 and 5-24-1.1 shallmaintain good order in the licensed building, and shall not suffer any personin that licensed building to become intoxicated, nor shall he or she take inpawn or pledge any article; neither shall he or she suffer that licensedbuilding to become frequented by any common drunkard or person addicted to theintemperate use of spirituous or intoxicating liquors, or by any person who isa disturber of the peace, or who is wasting his or her property or earnings andmeans of supporting himself or herself and family, or by any person underlawful age. Every person licensed pursuant to § 5-24-1 violating either ofthe provisions of this section shall be deemed the keeper of a disorderly houseand shall be fined fifty dollars ($50.00), one-half ( 1/2) of that amount tothe use of the city or town in which the offense has been committed andone-half ( 1/2) to the use of the state.