§ 5-25-10 Qualifications for licensure. Any applicant for licensure shall submit to the department written evidence onforms furnished by the department verified by oath that the applicant meets allof the following requirements:
(1) Is a graduate of a school or college of veterinarymedicine recognized and accredited by the American Veterinary MedicalAssociation and by the department or certification by the Educational Councilfor Foreign Veterinary Graduates;
(2) Pays an application fee of forty dollars ($40.00) at thetime of submitting the application, which, in no case is returned to theapplicant;
(3) Is of good moral character, evidenced in the mannerprescribed by the department; and
(4) Complies with any other qualifications that thedepartment prescribes by regulation; and
(5) Comply with the continuing education requirements adoptedby the department.