§ 5-25-11 Licensing of veterinarians. (a) By Examination. The applicant is required to pass, with a gradedetermined by the division, an examination approved by the division; uponpayment of an examination fee of three hundred and thirty dollars ($330) everycandidate who passes that examination, and in the opinion of the division meetsthe qualifications of § 5-25-10, shall, upon payment of an initial licensefee, which shall be equal to the biennial license renewal fee in effect, beissued a license to practice veterinary medicine. Veterinarians licensed underthe provisions of this chapter on August 31, 1985 shall continue to be licensed.
(b) Without Examination by Endorsement. A license topractice veterinary medicine may be issued without examination to an applicantwho has been duly licensed by examination as a veterinarian under the laws ofanother state or territory or District of Columbia, if, in the opinion of thedivision, the applicant meets the qualifications required of veterinarians inthis state, as further defined in rules and regulations.