§ 5-25-6 Board and department Powers and duties. (a) The board is authorized to recommend to the department and director ofhealth for his or her approval, the adoption, and from time to time, therevision, of any rules and regulations not inconsistent with law that arenecessary to enable the department to carry into effect the provisions of thischapter, including, but not limited to, regulations establishing continuingprofessional education requirements for veterinarians licensed under thischapter. The board shall recommend for licensure only duly qualifiedapplicants. The board shall review applicants at least twice a year. It shallrecommend the tests taken by applicants for licensure.
(b) The department shall adopt all policies to be followed inthe examination, licensure, and renewal of license of duly qualified applicantsand has full authority to accept or reject the recommendations of the board.The department is responsible for granting all licenses to practice veterinarymedicine. The department shall conduct hearings upon charges calling for thediscipline of licensees or revocation of licenses. The department has the powerto issue subpoenas and compel the attendance of witnesses and administer oathsto persons giving testimony at hearings. The department shall cause theprosecution of all persons violating this chapter. The department shall keep arecord of all its proceedings. The department may delegate to any other personsthat are necessary to carry on the work of the department.