§ 5-25-7 Practice of veterinary medicinedefined. (a) Any person shall be regarded as practicing veterinary medicine, surgery anddentistry within the meaning of this chapter who, either directly orindirectly, when he or she does any of the following:
(1) Represents himself or herself as engaged in the practiceof veterinary medicine, veterinary surgery, or veterinary dentistry in any ofits branches.
(2) Diagnoses, prognoses, treats, administers, prescribes,operates on, manipulates or applies any drug, biologic, or chemical or anyapparatus or appliance for any disease, pain, deformity, defect, injury, wound,or physical condition of any animal for the prevention of or to test thepresence of any disease.
(3) Cuts any tissue, muscle, organ, or structure of anyanimal for the purposes described in subdivision (2) of this subsection orpurpose or for the purpose of altering the natural condition of any animal orfor any other purpose, cause or reason.
(b) The term "practicing veterinary medicine" does notinclude:
(1) The calling into the state for consultation of dulylicensed or registered veterinarians of any other state as to any case undertreatment by a veterinarian registered under the provisions of this chapter.
(2) The experimentation or research of a registeredphysician, dentist or osteopath.
(3) The experimentation and research activities conducted atany hospital, laboratory, or educational institution provided the activitieshave been approved and authorized by the division within the period of one yearprior to the commencement of each separate project or activity or are conductedunder the general supervision and control of a registered veterinarian,physician, dentist, or osteopath.
(4) The gratuitous giving of aid or relief to an animal inany accident or emergency; provided, the person giving the aid or relief doesnot represent himself or herself as a registered veterinarian.
(5) The nursing care to animals in the establishment orfacilities of a registered veterinarian under his or her general supervision,direction and control by the employees of the veterinarian or the activities ofa person assisting a veterinarian during the course of any procedure ortreatment.
(6) A person who is a regular student in a legally charteredcollege or school of veterinary medicine while in the performance of the dutiesand activities assigned by his or her instructors and provided there is alicensed veterinarian to supervise those acts.
(7) A person who is a member of the armed forces of theUnited States or who is an employee or official of the United States departmentof agriculture, public health service, or other federal agency or of the state,who while so commissioned or employed, performs official duties.
(8) A person who conducts routine vaccinations, pullorumtesting and typhoid testing of poultry and other poultry disease controlactivity under the supervision of an official state or federal agency ordepartment of agriculture.