§ 5-29-17 Malpractice complaints. (a) Any person, firm, corporation, or public officer may submit a writtencomplaint to the board charging the holder of a license to practice podiatry ora limited registrant with unprofessional conduct, specifying the grounds forthe charge. The board shall review all complaints and it shall make a writtenfinding of facts with regard to the complaint. All complaints considered by theboard or an investigating committee of the board shall be reported within six(6) months of the receipt of the complaint unless the board on a case by casebasis, for good cause shown in writing, extends the time for consideration.Failure to report does not divest the board of its jurisdiction to pursue therights and remedies set forth in this chapter. If the board determines that thecomplaint merits consideration, or if the board, on its own initiative withouta formal complaint, has reason to believe that any holder of a license orlimited registration to practice podiatry is guilty of unprofessional conduct,the board shall investigate.
(b) Investigations shall remain confidential and all initialhearings, investigatory hearings, and full hearings before the board shallremain confidential. All decisions of the board shall set forth conclusions offact and conclusions of law applicable to the decision, which it has rendered.The board shall make public all decisions including findings of fact andconclusions of law, which set forth any sanction against a license holder.